Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Robert the Doll

          Robert is a cursed doll that rests at the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida. The doll was first given to an artist named Robert Eugine Otto when he was a boy in the late 1800's and he named the doll Robert while he went by Gene. The doll was said to have terrorized Gene's family and eventually, after Gene grew up, terrorized his wife into insanity.
          In 1974, a woman named Myrtle Reuter purchased the Otto House. She kept Robert as a companion but eventually donated the do to the museum in 1994, saying that the doll was haunted. Visitors to the museum who want to take a picture of the doll must first ask Robert for permission. If they don't, or if they mock Robert in any way, shape, or form, Robert is said to lay a curse on them. It's not really worth the risk of possibly being cursed, right? So just to be on the safe side, if you visit Robert, respect the doll and remember to ask permission before taking it's picture.
          This topic is Educational because this just adds onto the list of reasons why I personally will never have any dolls in my home in the future. No Thank You. It is also Enlightening, and a bit frightening, about how really anything or anyone can become cursed.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Annabelle the Doll

          In case you have not heard of this famous story, or the movie based on this story, let me explain. At the Warrens Occult Museum rests a Raggedy Anne doll that is said to be cursed with a demon. The doll was purchased from a hobby store as a present to a young woman named Donna. Upon receiving the doll, she adored it, not knowing the horrors to come. During the weeks after receiving the doll, Donna and her roommate noticed the doll changing positions and moving to different rooms on its own.
          A seance was held, and the identity of the spirit controlling the doll said it's name was Annabelle Higgins, a little girl ho died on the property. But the spirit lied. It was a demon who continued to torment the roommates until they finally had professional help with performing exorcisms. The doll was taken away as well and now rests at the Museum, in a special made case which is forbidden from being opened by anyone. (The full story can be read at http://www.warrens.net/Annabelle.html ).
          This story could be considered Emotional because it can cause fear of knowing that paranormal incidents actually happen. It could also be considered Entertainment because of the horror film that was based on the true story.

Satan's Hollow

          Down in Blue Ash, Ohio, rests a supposed gateway to hell named Satan's Hollow. This is a dark place of paranormal activity. The old, graffiti covered storm drain used to be a meeting place for a satanic group to meet and conduct different kinds of dark rituals. The local legend says that the group somehow managed to open a doorway to hell.
          Many odd sights and sounds have been reported about the location. Screams at night have been heard and different figures have been seen. The most common appearance is known at the Shadow Man. The Shadow Man looks exactly how it sounds. It is a humanoid figure but is all black. The Shadow Man is said to be a demon that guards the small, graffiti'ed tunnels of Satan's Hollow.
          Paranormal investigations have been conducted in these tunnels. You can view on YouTube some footage that was taken inside the tunnels by "Believe" A Paranormal Experience ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLoE0n5iu3g ). There is also more information at https://creepycincinnati.com/2011/11/10/satans-hollow/ .
          This topic is Educating and Enlightening because it's not often that we run across something as strange as a supposed gateway to hell, especially not one that is so local.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Hoia Baciu Forest

          The Hoia Baciu Forest (pronounced hoya bachu) is located in Romania. This forest is considered one of the most haunted forests in the world and is often referred to as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania. Many strange reports about this forest have been filed from ghosts appearing in photos, to UFO sightings, to local lore saying that the devil himself lives in the forest. 
          Skeptics might say the accounts are bogus, but others beg to differ. People brave enough to enter this forest claim to have high anxiety levels, dizziness, scratches, and unexplained burns. Witnesses have also reported strange balls of light, oddly warped trees (some appearing like fish hooks at the base of the trunk, also with unexplained char marks on them), and unsettling voices and giggles coming from nowhere.
          This forest is a paranormal high ground. If you want to read more stories, here is the link where I got the information: https://hoiabaciuforest.com/
          This forest Evokes Emotion because reading about it made me feel uneasy but also intrigued to want to visit this location. The stories about this forest are becoming more and more popular around the world.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Dehli Purple Sapphire

          The Dehli Purple Sapphire is a stone from India that is supposedly cursed. The stone itself is also not sapphire at all; it is amethyst. The stone wad found in the Temple of Indra in 1857 by British explorers during the Indian Mutiny.
          Indra is the Hindu god of War and it is said that a curse was placed on the stone when it was removed from the temple. The explorer who removed the stone had terrible luck along with his family, supposedly because of the gem. Every owner who has had possession of the gem has also had terrible luck.
          This gem is Enlightening because of the knowledge that is learned about the gem itself and some of the Hindu culture.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

SCP Foundation

          The SCP (Secure. Contain. Protect.) Foundation first came about in 2007. It is made up of many researchers, agents, and doctors.The foundation's job is to locate and record various and unnatural creatures and objects, which they refer to as SCPs. The most famously known creature within this foundation is SCP173. This SCP is also nicknamed "The Sculpture" because of its appearance. It is a humanoid statue supposedly made of rebar and concrete. It has short limbs, a bloody face, and bizarre green, circular eyes. This SCP, if visited, requires a minimum of three people in its cage at one time because there must be constant gaze locked on it at all times. If all eye contact is broken, this SCP moves at lightning fast speed towards the living subjects and kills them.
          There are hundreds more SCP's that are just as dangerous including a lizard like creature, the size of a human, with sharp claws and razor teeth that draws it's next prey close by mocking the voice of it's previous victim. This particular creepypasta has resulted in a game about the foundation called SCP Containment Breach. There are videos of different gamers playing the horror game on YouTube if you are interested, but I warn you: do not watch it at night.
          I felt that this story, or creepypasta, was Entertaining. I myself got too scared playing the game myself but I enjoyed watching others play it. It gives a horror movie feeling because you never know when the next jumpscare is coming.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Anna Baker's Wedding Dress

          In Blair County, Pennsylvania, stands the Baker Mansion. It may seem fancy on the exterior, but within the walls of the mansion holds something sinister. In the mid 1800's lived a woman named, you guessed it, Anna Baker. She was born into a wealthy family but met a lower class iron worker. The two fell in love and planned a wedding in secret. After she had bought her dress, however, her father found out about the relationship. Upon learning of the relationship he grew furious and forbade the wedding from ever taking place.
          After that, Anna refused to marry any possible higher class suitors that her father introduced her to. She became very angry and bitter for the rest of her days until she died in 1914. Her dress now hangs in her old room and is occasionally seen moving behind the glass. Which wouldn't seem to be odd, except for the fact that it is in an air-tight case. It is said that the dress moving is a result of Anna's spirit dancing her wedding dance that she was never able to have.
          This story was Educational because of the history of the Baker Mansion. It informed me of a mansion that I have not yet heard of.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Rake

          This week will be about a creepypasta. If you are unaware of what a creepypasta is, it is a horror story passed around all over the internet for entertainment. Whether or not you choose to believe in them is up to you... However, I chose this particular one because it personally gives me the Heeby-Jeebys. This story is about The Rake.
          One evening, a couple awoke in the dead of night. Everything seemed normal except for one thing: a large figure sitting at the foot of their bed. The creature faced away from them but from what they could see, the creature looked like a half-human, half-hairless dog. As if that wasn't scary enough, the creature then suddenly crouched in front of the husbands face, before leaping out of the room and down the hall towards their child's bedroom. The couple quickly sprang up and dashed to the room but they were too late. The creature was nowhere to be seen and their daughter was horribly mutilated and close t death. her last words said are "he is The Rake." 
          There are other accounts to this creature. This particular creepypasta brings Emotion and Entertainment t the table because there are people who love to feel scared reading stories such as this. 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

"The Hands Resist Him" Painting

          This painting was created by the artist Bill Stoneham. The painting depicts a young boy standing in front of a dark window with what looks like a very disturbing doll of a young girl standing next to him. But that's not the only sinister thing about it. Behind the glass of the window, little hands are reaching out from the darkness.
          Anyone who has looked at the painting has felt very uneasy and even sick. There have even been stories about the painting where figures in the painting have moved or completely disappeared when night fell. This painting is considered so haunted that people who merely visited the painting have had experiences of the supernatural. Every new owner the painting obtains is passed on the same message: when the night comes, the figures withing the painting will move or disappear all together.
          An "E" that is found within this story is Educated because learning about haunted art is very helpful. It provides information about a painting or piece of art that goes on the list of Never Going to Buy EVER. The information makes people aware of objects to be cautious around, whether you believe in ghosts or not, which I do.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Castle of Goede Hoop (Good Hope)

          The Castle of Good Hope is one of the most haunted places in the world. It stands in Cape Town, South Africa, and is the oldest building in South Africa. It was built in the 17th century as an establishment for soldiers, but is now a land full of paranormal activity. Apparitions of men jumping to their deaths can commonly be seen, Along with a ghost nicknamed as the Lady in Grey, who has been seen running through the castle hopelessly crying while holding her face in her hands. Additionally, a soldier was once found hanging by the bell-tower rope. Every now and then the bell can be heard ringing by itself.
          Those are just some of the stories about this castle. But the "E's" found in this story are Enlightened and Emotion because of the awareness and sadness of the death echos (ghosts that are trapped reliving their deaths over and over) that roam around this place. They are seen over and over unless they are freed by someone who has an emotional connection to them.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Woodlawn Cemetery Haunting

          In Dayton, Ohio, sits Woodlawn Cemetery. This cemetery is not only a graveyard, it also has nice woodsy paths next to Goose Lake. Visitors have said they've spotted a figure in those trees. The ghost that haunts the cemetery is not your average "Lady in White." instead of the typical woman in a white dress, she wears jeans, sneakers, a red shirt, and a blue jacket around her waist. Another ghost said to haunt the cemetery is a little boy and his dog. Their story is that they both drowned in a nearby river.
          The "E" in this story I found is Education because this adds onto the list of stories of haunted cemeteries i think we all can be interested in.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sinclair Community College Haunting

          Yes, even Sinclair itself is haunted. I have made sure to check a few different sources to see if it checks out. The hauntings are at the location over in Dayton, in a few different buildings. People have mentioned being grabbed or shoved by presences, hearing laughter or footsteps when no one else is around. Some have also heard meowing coming from the walls or saw a ghost of an older guy with white hair, now nicknames Mr. Joshua. There have also been sightings of the former head of security's ghost. Also, the cafeteria was constructed over the old Hanging Field.
          The particular "E" that I found in this haunting was Education. I believe this story provides interesting information about our school and its location's history.

Monday, September 5, 2016

The Lady in White - Trebein Road Hauning

          This particular ghost story interested me because this is less than 15 minutes from where I live. Trebein Road is a road between Fairborn and Xenia. The legend is that years ago, this bride was late for her wedding so once she as ready she and her father went out for the ceremony. Thing is, since they were in a hurry, their carriage was going too fast along Trebein,which was only a dirt road then. The wheel hit a large rock and she flew out of the carriage. when she hit the ground she died instantly. It is now said that in the middle of August every year around midnight she haunts part of the road. If you stop and see The Lady in White, she'll ask you if you've seen her husband. But be careful. It's said that if she touches you then you will become old and she will become beautiful again. I warn anyone not to go looking for her.
          The particular E that I found in this article is Emotion. This article made me curious to find out a little about a local legend. This also made me a little scared because of how close this legend is to home. 
          I researched different sources to confirm the story. One source was a witness account found at https://www.ohioexploration.com/paranormal/stories/story-trebeinroad/