Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Robert the Doll

          Robert is a cursed doll that rests at the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida. The doll was first given to an artist named Robert Eugine Otto when he was a boy in the late 1800's and he named the doll Robert while he went by Gene. The doll was said to have terrorized Gene's family and eventually, after Gene grew up, terrorized his wife into insanity.
          In 1974, a woman named Myrtle Reuter purchased the Otto House. She kept Robert as a companion but eventually donated the do to the museum in 1994, saying that the doll was haunted. Visitors to the museum who want to take a picture of the doll must first ask Robert for permission. If they don't, or if they mock Robert in any way, shape, or form, Robert is said to lay a curse on them. It's not really worth the risk of possibly being cursed, right? So just to be on the safe side, if you visit Robert, respect the doll and remember to ask permission before taking it's picture.
          This topic is Educational because this just adds onto the list of reasons why I personally will never have any dolls in my home in the future. No Thank You. It is also Enlightening, and a bit frightening, about how really anything or anyone can become cursed.


  1. That's so creepy but very cool. I love entertaining ghost stories.

  2. That's so creepy but very cool. I love entertaining ghost stories.

  3. That's so creepy but very cool. I love entertaining ghost stories.
